Unitree A1 Contents

This is a very brief practical getting started guide for the Unitree A1 robot dog.

The below image shows how the dog should be packed in its suitcase. To remove the dog, undo the velcro elastic straps, and lift the dog out by the carry handle.


Once placed on the floor, the rear legs can be folded back, and the front legs can be untucked.


This is the position that the dog must be in (all feet and elbows touching the floor) before it can be started. This is to ensure that each encoder knows the rough motor position (due to the 10:1 gearbox within each motor).


To turn on the dog, press briefly, and then press and hold for a few seconds the power button on the dog battery and remote.



The dog should then power on, and eventually stand up.


The dog will start in 'pose mode' which allows the dog body to move around whilst keeping the feet (mostly) stationary using the two joysticks.

Pressing the 'Start' button will switch to 'walk mode'. The joysticks can now be used to move the dog around. Pressing 'Start' again will return the dog to 'pose mode'.

L2+B disables the motors and causes the dog to drop.

L2+X flips the dog back onto its belly after falling over.

L2+A switches from standing positions and puts the motors in hold mode. It can also be used to stand the dog back up. When in hold mode, the joysticks do not move or adjust the pose of the dog, and the motors are held in place so that the dog can be lifted, however for safety it is always suggested to power off the dog completely before moving it. Pressing Start again re-enables the movement.

L1+Start switches the dog into sport mode.

To turn off the dog, press L2+A to cycle standing modes until the dog is laying down, then press L2+B to disable the motors, then press briefly and press and hold the power button until the dog turns off. Do the same with the power button on the remote.